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Our Scientists are Leaders in the Research & Development of Phyto-Medicinals that Combat Chronic Disease

Phytor Science

The Science Behind The Capsule

Phytor combines traditional medicines with rigorous science to bring you a unique proprietary formulation, meticulously calibrated and manufactured under stringent Singapore GMP standards to an exacting level of quality. 


The active compounds in Phytor’s herb formulations are exhaustively researched in a wide range of in-vivo and in-vitro studies with results published in respected peer-reviewed journals. The research team has also conducted advanced studies and made patentable breakthroughs in molecular modifications to enhance efficacy.


Science demands precision. Our quantities are optimal bio-mass corrected to ensure that every capsule delivers a consistent quantity of concentrated extracts. These are carefully calibrated against our scientific trial data and are produced under stringent GMP conditions to ensure that Phytor products deliver the highest quality and exacting potency.


The formulation story doesn’t end with selecting the right ingredients. To achieve optimal retention of bioactivities in the end-product, we use an advanced double bio-extraction process, utilising ethanol and the purest of water and reagents, carefully refluxed, filtered and dried into granules. The result are products with high ingredient efficacy and purity.


A critical issue in both raw herbs and medicines of natural origin is the inconsistency of biological activity and potency. We overcome this by using Biological Chromatographic Fingerprinting. High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) and Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS) techniques are employed to provide precise quantification in our extraction process, detect adulterations, and to verify our finished products for consistency.


Phytor products contain medicinal herbs that have seen centuries of usage in South East Asia. Studies on the active ingredients within these tropical herbs have been extensively published by the scientific communities with peer reviewed and strong scientific evidence supporting their health benefits. Taking an A.I. and data-driven approach, we have assessed these compounds to identify the “unicorn” ingredients that showcase novel mechanisms in potential health management.