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Here’s Why You Should Pay More Attention to Your Prostate


Prostate issues can easily go unnoticed. Despite it being one of the most prevalent health issues in men globally, most men are not as well informed about prostate problems and do not pay much attention to it the same way women pay attention to changes in their breast. 

Prostate cancer and benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH), also known as an enlarged prostate, are most common among men over age 50. In both conditions, the prostate gland enlarges and presents symptoms such as:

– Frequent urge to urinate
– Feeling of not emptying the bladder fully
– Waking often during the night to urinate
– Weak or slow urine stream  

Due to the similarities in symptoms, prostate cancer can often go undetected. It does not help that prostate cancer is usually asymptomatic and presents no significant symptoms until it progresses to a later stage. Prostate-specific-antigen (PSA) test is thus recommended for men above age 50 because of the increased prostate cancer incidence with age. Additionally, one may also opt for a digital rectal exam (DRE) test to check for any hard areas, lumps or abnormalities growing beyond the prostate. The two non-invasive tests help to detect abnormalities for medical professionals to corroborate and advise whether further conclusive tests such as prostate biopsy or an imaging test is required.

Be it prostate cancer or prostate enlargement, it is best to nip them in the bud and prevent further progression. While prostate enlargement isn’t life threatening, an unemptied bladder caused by prostate enlargement should be addressed as this could lead to conditions such as bladder infection, bladder stones and kidney damage as it progresses. Do not be embarrassed when it comes to seeking medical advice and treatment options available for this sensitive part of your body. For additional support, check out our comprehensive plant-based formulation that is packed with natural active ingredients for addressing prostate irregularities.

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